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Gabriel Pizza .

With 38 locations in Ontario & Quebec, Gabriel Pizza approached us with an ambitious request. They wanted to make web and mobile ordering available for their bigger, better pizza. Challenge accepted.

Quick, online pizza ordering options in Ontario & Quebec are a little...thin.


Bigger, better pizza. Faster, funner UX.

Online ordering is not a new business. In fact, it is a relatively old business in internet years, and many of the technical best practices have been tried, tested, and accepted. So where can you make 10x improvements? The experience offered to the customer, both in terms of the personality of the product and how fast, accessible, and intuitive it is. Having identified these areas as our battleground, our team gets to work: By re-positioning the Gabriel Pizza brand, we opened it up to a younger audience, and through developing hundreds of user stories, we set out to remove as much friction from the ordering process as possible.

Fewer screens. Faster check-out.

While we may disagree with famed VC Peter Thiel's politics, we fully embraced his belief that great products must be 10x better than your competition to succeed. To achieve this, we gave pizza a personality.


Grabbing a larger slice of the pie.

Our creative, design, and content teams collaborated with our in-house media and analytics managers to develop a campaign that would blanket much of Eastern Ontario and Western Quebec with Gabriel Pizza ads that could be found on digital display, social, search, out-of-home, and other traditional formats.

Chances are, if you live in Ottawa or Gatineau and look at your phone you've experienced our campaign!

With the new Online Ordering System ready to launch, we produced a sweeping advertising campaign to announce that, finally, Real Pizza Is Now Online.


The reception to Gabriel Pizza Online Ordering has exceeded expectations. Zas awesome.